
A List Supernova Pages on the WWW
Links to a growing list of WWW pages concerning all aspects of research on supernova and supernova remnants. Observations and theory; all types of supernovae; research groups and individual researchers.
ARO, Simo ( Nordic Optical Telescope )
astro!nfo ( Information Service )
astro!nfo is a Information Service made by amateur astronomers. There will published many informations about the amateur scene. Most of the text is written in German language.
Astronomical Data Center FTP Archive
CATALOGS: astrometric, positional, spectroscopic, photometric data. Cross-identifications, combined and derived data, non-stellar and extended objects, galactic, extra-galactic data, and miscellaneous data. FITS Table Browser software. E-mail directory. American node of Astronomical Data Centers.
Astronomical Dep. of University Of Thessaloniki
Astronomy Acknowledgement Index ( AAI )
This service provides references to all personal acknowledgements from all papers published in the leading journals in astronomy. Search by name and lists of the most acknowledged scientists are available. The database is updated monthly. The AAI is compiled by Dima Verner, University of Kentucky.
Astronomy-related Email addresses
This is the RGO Email directory. The file of type one_line used in the index was /public/wwwdata/.tribble/wais2/ASTROPERSONS.LIS. (There is a copy of this database at GSFC .)
Astronomy-related institutions (site addresses)
This database is from the RGO Email directory. The file of type para used in the index was /public/wwwdata/.tribble/wais/emailplaces.dat2.
Astronomy-related Postal Addresses
This database is from the RGO Email directory. The file of type para used in the index was /public/wwwdata/.tribble/wais/emailpostal.dat2.
Astrophysical Journal Letters Citation Analysis ( ApJ Lett. )
The electronic edition of The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL) allows an easy statistical analysis of citations in the ApJL articles. This page (compiled by Dima Verner) provides citation statistics of the electronic ApJL starting from January 1996. The page is updated bimonthly.
Australian National University Astrophysical Theory Centre ( ANUATC )
Dpto. Astrofisica. I. Fisica de Cantabria
This is the Home Page of the Astrophysics Department of the Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria at Santander, Spain. This is a center supported by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Cantabria. People here works in Extragalactic Astrophysics. These pages contain their work and interests as well as some miscellaneous information.
Dunsink Observatory Homepage
The Dunsink Observatory homepage provides useful links to other astronomical and academic institutions, software, search engines and other links of local interest.
Groupe de recherche en Astrophysique de l'Universite Laval
Groupe de Recherche en Astrophysique de l'Université Laval. Bilingual (French/English). Description of research projects. Science with HST. Picture galery. Individual members. Recent publications (with postcript files available on-line). Links with other astronomical resources.
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics ( ITA )
Information about scientific activities and staff members.
Joint Australian Centre for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica
This page is a resource for Antarctic astronomy, providing information of interest to anyone considering the Antarctic plateau as the site for a future major international observatory. It contains papers, images, details of meetings and lists of people involved with Antarctic astrononomy.
Limber Observatory
Limber Observatory is a private observatory and residence in the Texas Hill Country near San Antonio, specializing in optical polarimetry of early emission line stars.
Loch Ness Productions: Planetarium resources
The "official" list of planetarium and planetarium- related Web sites is here, as well as Loch Ness Productions resources for planetaria: shows, original artwork slides, space music CDs and tapes, the LNP Planetarium Compendium (directory of the world's planetaria), and more.
Los Alamos National Laboratory - Theoretical Astrophysics
MIGHELL, Kenneth
Nordic Optical Telescope - Staff members
Nordic Optical Telescope, image gallery
Radio Pulsar Resources
A unified collection of information and pointers of interest to radio pulsar researchers. Resources include pointers to group and individual home pages, radio telescope home pages and telescope schedules, and pulsar related preprints and reprints.
STScI phonebook
The Galileo Project
A web resource on the life and works of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).
The University of Toledo - Department of Physics and Astronomy ( UT-P&A )
Details on the department including faculty, research projects, and the Ritter Astrophysical Research Center. The Center includes a 1m optical reflector equipped with both a low/medium resolution spectragraph and an echelle spectragraph.
Theoretical Nuclear/Particle Physics and Astrophysics Group ( tNPA Uni Basel )
This is Quasar, the server of the theoretical Nuclear/Particle Physics and Astrophysics groups at the Dept. of Physics of the University of Basel, Switzerland. The server offers information on people, research topics, publications, and teaching as well as personal home pages and preprints. Research topics in astrophysics include nucleosynthesis, type I and II supernovae, nuclear astrophysics, nuclear physics far from stability, neutrino physics; other research interests are atomic physics and chaos. (For a full list, take a look at the server)!
Torun Radio Astronomy Observatory ( TRAO )
Torun Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) is an educational and research facility to study the Universe by means of radio waves. The Observatory is a part of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of Nicolaus Copernicus University.
University of California, Berkeley - Astronomy Department ( UCB-Astronomy )
The UCB Astronomy Home Page contains general information about the department. We maintain links for faculty, staff, post docs and students so that they may make papers, images, and other information available. Also included are an e-mail directory for the department, and links to related institutions.
University of California, Riverside - High Energy Astrophysics ( UCR )
Information on current research in High Energy Astrophysics being conducted at the University of California, Riverside.
University of Granada - Departamento de Física Teórica y del Cosmos. ( ASTROHEPUGR )
This is the server of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Granada (Spain). The server contains information about the work developed here (including some preprints ) and about the people working here. There are also some interesting links related with Astrophysics.
University of Ljubljana, Astronomical Observatory ( Slovenia )
The Ljubljana Astronomical Observatory is part of the Department of Physics and is located on the hill Golovec close to Ljubljana. Observations that require dark skies are obtained at Crni vrh observing station where two small automated telescopes equipped with state of the art systems for CCD photometry are located.

Astronomers run university courses of astronomy for astronomers as well as physicists and primary and secondary school teachers. The Observatory has a public astronomical library. Research is in large part done in collaboration with the Astronomical Observatory of Padua. Reseach interests include general relativity, active galactic nuclei, close stellar binary systems, pulsars, comets and telescope automation.

University of Melbourne - School of Physics: Astrophysics Group
University of Sussex Astronomy Department
Contains information on the department: people, research groups, courses. Also has available to download copies of recent (last 12 months) publications and preprints.
University of Victoria Astronomy
This is the Home Page of the Astronomy Group at the University of Victoria. It contains information on faculty, graduate students and research associates. Research activities and facilities are described. In addition, a selection of electronic preprints written by members of the Group is also available.
University of Western Ontario - Faculty, staff and students
Faculty, staff, and graduate students as well as members of Meteor and Space Physics
WHO's Online - Physicist/Astrophysicist's section
WHO's On-line is a collective experiment towards a non-commercial HYPERbiographical database of people in the Internet. While the database contains people from all professions, this link points to the Physicist/Astrophysicist section.

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli